Partner with E-COMP/Granite Insurance to Increase Your Payroll Revenue!

At E-COMP/Granite Insurance, we create Insurance Programs for Associations, Franchises and Groups that will:

  • Increase your payroll revenue by increasing your opportunity to access more clients that you have yet to receive an endorsement from.
  • Increase your payroll revenue through Program business, by offering a complete program that is effectively marketed.
    • Payroll + work comp = E-COMP.
  • Increase your payroll revenue by gaining new Endorsements from Franchises and Associations we target.
  • Increase your Client Retention by providing more services and prevent your clients from getting solicitations from ADP, Paychex and PEOs, which offer payroll + an insurance program.

How your current Payroll Clients that are Franchisors, Franchisees & Association Members will benefit:

  • Our Exclusive E-COMP Program provides the most competitive national pricing across the pay-go marketplace.
  • No Deposit and No Down Payment is required with E-COMP. Many of your payroll clients are currently paying a deposit of 10-25% of the total annual Workers’ Comp insurance premium, and then go through the audit process. E-COMP removes these requirements, which gives them a Huge Cash Flow Advantage.
  • We’re an extension of your sales-team! The simple ease, quick turnaround time for quotes and excellent customer service our E-COMP program offers – we are the best pay-as-you-go solution in the country. We do the shopping of the marketplace for you and your clients, offering them the best service and pricing.

For more information, email

Partner with us to increase your payroll revenue!

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