Did You Know?
E-COMP does the Workers’ Comp. shopping for you! E-COMP shops for the best pricing and program for your clients with one of our nine insurance carriers. |
News You Can Use
5 Workers’ Comp Myths Workers’ compensation coverage is not required for businesses in every state, but for those who have the option, getting the coverage is a safe bet. Job-related injuries or illnesses can result in major costs for a business without the coverage. |
Audit FAQ
Q: Will my client still have an audit with a pay-as-you-go policy?
A: Every Workers’ Comp. policy is subject to an audit. However, having a pay-as-you-go policy can help minimize the impact of a premium audit because premium is based on actual payroll and not estimated payroll. |
Upcoming Conferences
SwipeClock Conference April 2-4, Park City, UT
Annual PIIB Convention April 14-15, Monterey, CA
TPG May 6-10, Jacksonville, FL
Annual CPUG Conference May 13-16, Indianapolis, IN |
Risk Control/Safety
With over 105 years of safety management experience and leading industrial hygiene, fire and forensics laboratories, Travelers has the expertise to provide customers with recommendations specific to industry, size and complexity to help control hazards and reduce risks of illness or injury.
Courtesy of Travelers Insurance
E-COMP’s Corporate Officers Why to Include for WC Coverage |