AmTrust is pleased to announce that effective August 1, 2016, they will now offer Workers’ Compensation coverage for food-related operations in California through Springfield Insurance Company.
Long-recognized as a key grocery and food market carrier throughout California, Springfield Insurance Company will now focus on more than just grocery stores. In fact, Springfield will provide coverage to 27 food-related Workers’ Compensation classifications representing 56 different SIC codes throughout the state. Their appetite includes food manufacturing, food-related wholesale, and a variety of food-inspired markets and retail stores.
Unique pricing options
Due to Springfield’s unique pricing options, your underwriter not only has the ability to price best-in-class operations; they can also price operations that may have traditionally been denied coverage. We’re also in the process of enhancing our loss control library to support food-related business.
Target industries for this new Workers’ Compensation coverage include:
Contact your regional sales representative listed below for more information about what Springfield can do for your California food industry customers and prospects.
Sacramento, N. California Amy Parker 916.216.5865 |
San Francisco, North & East Bay Dana Rush 925.324.9812 |
San Francisco, South & East Bay, N. Central Coast Evelyn Casmer-Hills 415.816.4438 |
South L.A., North Orange County Linda Kim 925.334.0516 |
Agency Development Consultant Chris Hull 216.328.6288 |
North L.A., Ventura, Santa Barbara Bryan Lewis 626.399.4888 |
Central Coast, San Jaoquin Valley Dave Porter 951.526.7059 |
Imperial, South Orange, Riverside, San Diego Jennifer Watters 858.926.6460 |
Western California Darryl Keene 760.218.1793 |
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